Our Team
Welcome to the McCann Lab team. Below are the people behind the research, as well as their areas of focus.
Post Doctoral Researcher
Global change and slow-fast life history in aquatic ecosystems
PhD Student
Portfolio effects in ecological landscapes
PhD Student
Global change and the structure of streams, rivers and lake ecosystems
Cassandra Kotsopoulus
MSc. Student
Individual variation within the food webs with lake trout ecosystems
Post Doctoral Researcher
Equilibrium to Non-equilibrium Dynamics: Food Web Theory for a Changing World
PhD Student
Maintaining the resiliency of aquatic ecosystems under rapid global change
PhD. Student
Coexistence in periodic environments
PhD Student
Food web structures under global change
PhD Student
Resilience of complex systems
MSc. Student
Slow-fast life histories in lake trout food webs
Brett Pauli
MSc. Student
McCann Lab Alumni
Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Professor at Yale University
Post Doctoral Fellow at McGill University
National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
Department of Fisheries and Oceans
World Wildlife Fund
Post Doctoral Fellow at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Professor at the University of Guelph
Statistics Canada
Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Associate Professor at the University of Toronto
Indigenous Services Canada
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resource and Forestry
Dr. Kevin McCann
After completing a degree in mathematics at Dartmouth College, I returned to school to pursue an interest in applying math to ecology. I was trained by Dr. Peter Yodzis and Don DeAngelis as a graduate student before going to University of California to work as a post-doctoral researcher with Dr. Alan Hastings. From there I took a faculty position at McGill University where I worked closely with ecosystem ecologist Dr. Joe Rasmussen.
In 2003, I returned to Guelph where my lab studies the structure and function of food webs. We employ a range of approaches (theory, lab and field) and although we focus on aquatic systems (currently lakes and seagrass food webs), our approach is quite broad and includes collaborative work with soil, forest and grassland ecologists.